Russell is off doing a field exercise, he wont be back til friday. This is going to be a long week for me and the Gavman. Once he's home from that, he'll be around for a few weeks, and then it's off to WLC (warrior leadership course, where you go to learn how to be an NCO). He'll be gone for 15 days there. Oh well.
I am doing well...feeling a bit sick...but that's ok. It'll go away soon enough. More on that later.
Gavin is HUGE! He's 10 1/2 months now, he's got 6 teeth, and is just a bundle of energy. He keeps me on my toes. He's walking, holding onto just one of my hands, as opposed to both. He's climbing up walls and lifting himself clear off the ground using the stereo. He loves to you will see in the pictures. He's a creature of habit (which is frustrating at times...he knows when he's supposed to be down for a nap, and makes a fuss if you dont comply). He loves his solid foods...he's a meat boy. Loves hot dogs and sausages and the like. Its fun to watch him eat, he likes to screach at me when his tray is empty and there is still food on his plate. He knows...he just knows. He plays catch, and has quite an arm on him. He's been known to throw his paccy clear across my living room, into the dining room. Crazy. Monkey. Boy.
I feel that I should tell you, that since I dont reliably have internet, I wont update consistantly. I'm hoping to remedy that soon, though.
YAY! I lurve the pictures by the way!!
thank you! they are great...and Im hoping now that I have the blog I will keep up on taking pictures of gavin...sigh
Did you want to reconsider the title?
Welcome to the blog world... We come in peace! (well most of us do, i think?!)
I love your blog title!
By the way, my word verification is mlerooo. Which if you say it out loud, sounds like your name: Emily Roooth...
I actually have a blog. It's a secret blog though, so don't tell anyone.
Gycxxc: No one who posts here will know who this guy was, but he is responsible for popularizing tabletop RPG's. Even knowing this makes me a geek.
I'm gonna kidnap your baby OHNOEZ
He gets his weak chin from his daddy. Also his ability to bench-press an ostrich.
his cheeks!! yay!!!
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