How cute is that diaper clad butt?
Funny story. We took the kids to the doctor today. Gavin needed his 18mo shots, and we needed to get acid reflux stuff for Lena. While we were there, I noticed a bump on Lena's thumb, and it looked like it had a piece of hair in it. So, I asked the doctor. She looked at it, and kinda messed with it a bit. Lena, naturally, starts crying. Gavin, seeing that his precious baby sister is crying and in distress, starts SCREAMING. I mean all out histerics. Tears and snot rolling down his face, pointing at his poor baby sister. I was holding Lena, looking at Gavin telling him it was ok, the doctor isnt hurting her! I promise! Now, I know Gavin loves his sister (as above photos show). I guess I didnt realize how MUCH he loves her until today. He really was very upset that the mean doctor was making her cry. He's better, and so is she (from that at least).
Awwwww ::dies of teh cuteness::
I have some caution tape.
That will be fun when she is bringing boys home.
hosico: Spanish for cute 'lil nephew
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