Saturday, September 6, 2008

dang...I was tagged.

I was tagged by not just one person, but TWO! So, here you go Mom and Mandy! Here are six things you either knew about me or didnt.

1) I hate grape flavored things. Food, candy, and drinks. All of it makes me want to vomit. The only thing that I like that tastes like grapes are actual grapes.

2) When I have avocado's in the house, I like to make guacamole (did I spell that right?). It makes it last longer, and then I can eat it anytime.

3) I am not a morning person. Or a night owl. Or really an anytime person. Right now, if I could sleep all day, I would. As it is now, I take naps in the afternoon. But, if I could sleep for 24 hours a day, I would do alright.

4) I'm wrestling with my brain. I want a girl this time, and I want to know now. But, I still want my baby to be a surprise. What to do, what to do? I think I've figured it out.

5) I love love love romance novels. I love romantic comedies. I love tv shows that have to do with romance in any form.

6) I dont think there are six things that are unknown about me. Everyone pretty much knows everything. I dont try to hide things. lol

So, there you have it. I dont know anyone that I can tag, but there's mine. So, enjoy these tidbits. haha


Anonymous said...

Dang... I hate grape flavored stuff too. (I even made a scrapbook page about it.) But you're right, grapes themselves aren't too bad. Why is that?

Don't even get me started on watermelon...

Catherine said...

Em, you should read Twilight. It's badly-written, saccharine nonsense about teenagers and vampires and One True Love. It's maudlin and it's overblown and it's awful prose.

You'll love it. It hits the spot.

Anonymous said...

Avocado's?? WHERE???????????????????