Thursday, September 25, 2008


The other day, I was sitting on the couch watching Gavin play. I happened to turn away for a minute, and then I hear a *thud* and then a squeal. I look up, and saw this:

No, his feet are not on the floor....too bad I didnt think to do a video, his little feet were kicking in the air, and he was not happy. Being the great mother that I am, my first thought was, 'ooohhhh! I need to take some pictures of this and post them!' Not something like, I should get him out of there. So, yeah, his new toybox was trying to eat him the other day. It was very amusing.


Anonymous said...

As Forrest Gump said, babies are like a box of chocolates . . .


Mandy's Blogspot said...

::running out to buy a toy box::

now if i can only get miles walking so i can get "tasty" pics like this.

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Oh, um, when Joni was about 3, we were having a bad day she and I, and she got stuck with her doll cradle over her. I, erm, left her there for a couple of minutes. Remember the book Five Minutes Peace?

Anonymous said...

What kind of mother
Would leave her very own child
Stuck in a toybox?

Poor Gavin, play is just fraught with peril these days!

Anonymous said...

Well his cheeks are pretty tasty...

(uoaogruo: mother who keeps her child in a toy-box)

Unknown said...

LOL. That's so amazing.

I love you Emily. xD

Joni said...

Don't worry, hindsight is 20/20.

NEXT time, you'll get video.

Anonymous said...


BTW: Istia.