's been a while. No pictures today, though. We (meaning me, gavin and lena) went to DC for Kevins wedding at the end of July. It was a lot of fun, even though Gavin learned how to climb out of the pack and play. That meant putting him back in every night when I went to bed. Lena was also teething, so that was no fun. After DC, my mom, dad, and sisters came down to Savannah and stayed with us for a bit. Dad left after a day (back to work and all that) and the rest stayed for a few days before moving on with their trip. After they left, Lena went to her 4 month appt, where we found out she's long, and heavy. She also had her first ear infection (double, of course).
So, here's Lena's stats. She's 5 months now. She's got 2 teeth (had them before her appt). She's 26 inches long, and 15 lbs 5 oz in weight. She rolls only if she wants to, loves to rock when she's sitting on my lap (not really rocking, more like throwing herself around). She sleeps through the night when it's convienent for her, or she's not teething. She loves nursing, hates cereal. She's trying to sit on her own, and can for about 2 minutes until she starts to sway. She does pretty well at keeping herself up though. She loves to be held. I put her down, and no kidding she screams until I pick her up..then she smiles and laughs like it was all a joke on me. When she does let me put her down and stay down, she moves in circles and backwards, then gets mad because whatever she's looking at and wants gets further away. I, of course, laugh and tell her that if she just went forward, then she could get the toy. She doesnt listen.
On to Gavin. He'll be 2 in about 2 1/2 weeks. I'm not sure how tall he is, but I know he's almost 26 pounds. He's regressing in his speech, so we've been seeing an ENT for that. His tubes are fine, but they're doing a hearing test the day before his birthday. We'll see how that goes. We might have to do speech therapy with him (though that wouldnt suprise me, since both his parents had to do that too). He is way too smart for his own good. He "brushes" his teeth any time anyone says anything about going into the bathroom. "I tee? I tee?" is his usual statement. He sits in the big boy chair at the big person table, and thinks he's the first. He knows where to go when we go for a walk, he knows his friend's house. He knows what he wants, and he's not afraid to try and tell us what it is. Of course, when we dont understand, he's really not afraid of trying to get it himself.
Other than that, there's not a whole lot else that's new. I have promised my mom some pictures of the kids (they got clothes from Miss Loretta, and Gavin looks handsome with his new haircut). Those will have to wait til Gavin gets up from his nap.